Wednesday, 22 May 2019
Do you know about really fact behind artificial intelligence?
There are undoubted risks, not yet and possibly not soon, from Artificial Intelligence (AI). The dangers of creating an AI that has the capability to dominate humanity is no longer the stuff of science fiction. Nick Bostrom, in his excellent book “Superintelligence”, published last year, makes a strong case for the effective management of AI and for the need to create AIs that have good intent towards humanity. He is more optimistic than I am about the ability of humanity to manage that development.
The World Economic Forum has recently published a blog asking, “What risks does Artificial Intelligence pose? “It references an open letter from the top AI researchers in industry and academia (including Hawking and Musk) that argues that AI research and application is moving forward probably at a faster pace than most people realise and that its impact on society will only increase. So the letter seeks to ensure that any research ensures that AI systems behave in a way that is beneficial to humans.
Monday, 20 May 2019
Learning Constants, String and Structure in C
#include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <cstring> #include <ctime> #include <unistd.h> #define M 3 #define w 10 using namespace std; string nomiferramenta[]={"scatolaDiChiodi","forbici","chiaveInglese","cacciavite","martello","nastroBiadesivo"}; string nomifarmacia[]={"aspirine","oki","sciroppoPerLaGola","brioski","cerotti","disinfettante"}; string nomifruttivendolo[]={"saccoDiPatate","radicchio","cetriolo","finocchio","pomodoro","casettaDiFragole"}; string nomiNegozioDiVestiti[]={"maglietta","felpa","pantaloni","gonna","cappello","giacca"}; string nomiNegoziodianimani[]={"parrocchetto","aski","carlino","cocorito","tartarugaD'acqua","geco"}; string nomi[]={"Marco","Giorgio","Astolfo","Daria","Anna","CicciaPanza"}; string nomic[]={"Ada","Gioia","Aurora","Tonia","Eva"}; double c=(rand()%10); struct Cosa{ string nome="nulla"; int pos=c=(rand()%10); int q=0; double prezzo=c=(rand()%30); }; struct Persona{ string nome; Cosa oggetto; double soldi=100.0; }; struct Negozio{ string nome; Cosa cose[M]; int N=M; Persona commessa; }; void inizializzaNegozio(Negozio &neg, string nome){ srand(time(0)); string nomiN[7]{"Supermecato","Negoziodianimani","NegozioDiVestiti","NegozioDiGiocattoli","Farmacia","NegozioElettronica","Ferramenta"}; string nomi[]={"Ada","Gioia","Aurora","Tonia","Eva"}; neg.nome=nome=nomiN[rand()%7]; neg.commessa.nome=nomi[rand()%5]; stringstream ss; for(int i=0;i<neg.N;i++) { ss.str(""); ss<<"oggetto_"<< i; neg.cose[i].nome= ss.str(); neg.cose[i].q=w+i; } } void preleva(Negozio &neg,int pos,int quant){ if(neg.cose[pos].q >= quant) { neg.cose[pos].q -=quant; }else { neg.cose[pos].q=0; cout << "scorte non sufficienti!!!\n"; } } void deposita(Negozio &neg,int pos,int quant){ neg.cose[pos].q += quant; } void stampaNegozio(Negozio neg){ cout<<neg.nome<<" gestita da "+neg.commessa.nome+" ha "<<neg.N<<" reparti:\n"; for(int i=0;i<neg.N;i++) cout<<neg.cose[i].nome<<" con la quantita\' di "<< neg.cose[i].q<<"\n"; } void gestioneNegozio(Negozio &neg,string nome){ inizializzaNegozio(neg, nome); stampaNegozio(neg); preleva(neg,2,5); deposita(neg,0,7); stampaNegozio(neg); } void stampaCliente(Persona cliente){ std::cout << cliente.nome << " ha " << cliente.oggetto.nome; std::cout << " e " << cliente.soldi << " Euro\n"; } int main() { srand(time (0)); // for(int t=0;t<5;t++){ Negozio neg; string nome; inizializzaNegozio(neg,nome); stampaNegozio(neg); for(int k=0;k<c;k++){ Persona cliente; cliente.nome=nomic[rand()%6]; stampaCliente(cliente); preleva(neg,2,1); cliente.oggetto = neg.cose[rand()%3]; cliente.soldi -= neg.cose[2].prezzo; stampaCliente(cliente); } stampaNegozio(neg); cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n"; //} return 0; }
Saturday, 18 May 2019
Why Block-chain Technology can not be implemented in India?
BMTecch says-
• Creating an independent block chain solution in India may still not be viable as the mode of profit/commission is not defined
• For Block chain startups, ICOs and cryptocurrencies pave way to raise funding, however, the Indian government discourages both
• There is a huge dearth of people skilled in Block-chain in India; leading institutes are yet to adopt Block-chain courses.
Thursday, 16 May 2019
Exploring japan city by google map
In modern world we all know about japan technology, so lets watch a video of japan satellite's camera resolution.
Must watch :)
Must watch :)
Update About Whats -app Attack -2019
Whats App urges users to update app after discovering spyware vulnerability!
The spyware was developed by the Israeli cyber intelligence company NSO Group, according to the financial group which first reported the vulnerability.
Attackers could transmit the malicious code to a target’s device by calling the user and infecting the call whether or not the recipient answered the call. Logs of the incoming calls were often erased, according to the report.
WhatsApp said that the vulnerability was discovered this month, and that the company quickly addressed the problem within its own infrastructure. An update to the app was published on Monday, and the company is encouraging users to upgrade out of an abundance of caution.
Note:-Update your whats-app insistently!!
Tuesday, 14 May 2019
Difference b/w HTML 5 / PHP
Lets take a easy example-
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)’s fifth revision is HTML5. It is a widely accepted mark-up language to develop web pages. HTML5 aims to progress and develop the language to support the latest multimedia. PHP is a server-side scripting language, used while implementing web developments. It can also be used as an all-purpose programming language.
HTML is coded using HTML elements, including tags (opening and closing tag); the data enclosed in the tag being content. Major aim of HTML is to permit the web browsers to construe and display the content typed between the tags. The page content is illustrated through predefined tags. Images, tests, videos, forms and other valuable pieces of content can be inserted through such tags to build a comprehensive webpage.
PHP (originally named Personal Home Page) stands for Hypertext Preprocessor, a recursive acronym. It is released under the PHP license, is completely free but is incompatible with the GNU GPL.
PHP is a server-side, open source, HTML embedded scripting language. It is mainly used to create Dynamic Web pages. It is compatible with different types of databases and can work across networks using IMAP, SNMP, NNTP, POP3, or HTTP.
It can be used in standalone graphical applications as it includes a command-line interface capability. An external file to process the data is not required and the PHP commands can be embedded into an HTML source document. It must be enclosed with special PHP tags which shall ensure the programmer to differentiate between HTML and PHP and alternate between the two. The main difference lies in the fact that PHP is executed on the server, thus the client cannot view the PHP code.
Major differences between HTML5 and PHP are:
• PHP is a server side scripting language, a language of web applications and HTML5 is the language to write the web page.
• HTML5 is used to state the look of the website, whereas PHP is required to make the page function.
• HTML5 is used for links, redirecting, colors, text, aligning, etc., whereas PHP is used for calculations, login, register, databases, etc.
• HTML5 is used to develop static web pages. PHP is used to add components to make them more dynamic.
• HTML5 is used to put images, text, videos, forms, etc., on the webpage. PHP is used to make plugins, widgets, etc. work.
PHP is a server-side, open source, HTML embedded scripting language. It is mainly used to create Dynamic Web pages. It is compatible with different types of databases and can work across networks using IMAP, SNMP, NNTP, POP3, or HTTP.
It can be used in standalone graphical applications as it includes a command-line interface capability. An external file to process the data is not required and the PHP commands can be embedded into an HTML source document. It must be enclosed with special PHP tags which shall ensure the programmer to differentiate between HTML and PHP and alternate between the two. The main difference lies in the fact that PHP is executed on the server, thus the client cannot view the PHP code.
• HTML5 is used to state the look of the website, whereas PHP is required to make the page function.
• HTML5 is used for links, redirecting, colors, text, aligning, etc., whereas PHP is used for calculations, login, register, databases, etc.
• HTML5 is used to develop static web pages. PHP is used to add components to make them more dynamic.
• HTML5 is used to put images, text, videos, forms, etc., on the webpage. PHP is used to make plugins, widgets, etc. work.
Monday, 13 May 2019
:A basic project can changed a mind .
Prayaas-Find Missing Child ( a child tracking website)
Prayaas is a beginning of helping people by digital medium. In Prayaas People can find their missing kids and relatives by the help of strangers.
Specialy a person who is trying to find their relative he can check in missing section which is down here. if he finds someone he can click on the i have seen button and then we will contact him. and if he wants to submit missing report he can submit his report in the report section and his/her report will be seen on missing section.
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Part 1: Write the HTML
Part 1: Write the HTML What's your favorite food? Do you know how to make it yourself? If not, look up the recipe online. Next, crea...
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE There are undoubted risks, not yet and possibly not soon, from Artificial Intelligence (AI). The da...
In modern world we all know about japan technology, so lets watch a video of japan satellite's camera resolution. Must watch :) ...
Part 1: Write the HTML What's your favorite food? Do you know how to make it yourself? If not, look up the recipe online. Next, crea...